There are several routes of entry into the Music Service. Pupils can begin learning an instrument as early as Year 5 either through group tuition or as part of our whole class programmes, any pupil wishing to receive instrumental lessons and/or sing in a choir has the opportunity to do so. Pupils starting at High School also have the opportunity to take up lessons on strings, brass, woodwind, guitar, drum kit or vocal studies.

The Manx Youth Orchestra caters for the Island's young musicians, including pupils who are taught privately or whom attend King William's College. It is an integral part of their musical tuition and development, enabling pupils to put into practice their individual skills in a group setting. It allows pupils from all schools and colleges to work together, make friends and develop their skills within a team. As this is such an important part of pupils' development, attendance is strongly encouraged for all Music Service instrumental pupils.

The Service operates an instrument hire facility for its pupils and a library of sheet music for Music Centre, schools and other Island ensembles.

The Service organises and promotes workshops and concerts given by visiting musicians, many of which take place all over the Island.

The Service is greatly assisted by the Friends of the Manx Youth Orchestra who raise funds for instrument purchase and trips abroad and provide practical help at concerts and Open Mornings.