The Manx Youth Guitar Ensemble meets at The Kensington Arts Centre, Douglas on Monday evenings during term time. The rehearsals will be from 5.30pm to 7.00pm. During the session there is a short break from 6.10pm to 6.25pm when a tuck shop, selling snacks and drinks, is available.

The experience of playing with others serves to develop a wide variety of musical skills and is an essential component of learning an instrument successfully. Accordingly, it is expected that every effort is made to attend the Ensemble once invited. Pupils also tend to enjoy the social aspect and respond well to the disciplines of group music making.

Membership for the Guitar Ensemble is via invitation from your child's guitar teacher. Each term a membership form will be posted to you covering autumn, spring and summer terms. No transport will be provided by the Music Service to or from the venue. To sign up please do so via your Schooble account. Membership costs £19 per term.